お問い合わせはこちら LINEでお問い合わせ





Hello! My name is Jose and I come from a country with a rich and diverse culture. Allow me to introduce myself and share a bit about my country's culture.

In terms of my background, I am a language coach and also work in sales for an English conversation company. I have a passion for helping others improve their English skills and enjoy the challenges and rewards that come with it.

Now, let's talk about my country's culture. Our country is known for its warm hospitality and strong sense of community. We value respect, family, and traditions. Our cuisine is diverse and flavorful, with a wide range of dishes that reflect our cultural heritage.

In terms of festivals, we celebrate a variety of events throughout the year. We have colorful parades, traditional dances, and lively music that showcase our vibrant culture. Our traditions and customs are passed down from generation to generation, keeping our cultural identity alive.

I am proud to represent my country and share its unique culture with others. If you have any specific questions or want to know more about our traditions or customs, feel free to ask!

質問1: 自己紹介や国の文化
- あなたはどこの国から来ましたか?
- 私は日本出身です。日本の文化や伝統について知っていますか?
- はい、和食や茶道など、日本の文化について興味があります。

Question 1: Self introduction and country culture
- Which country are you from?
- I'm from Japan. Do you know about Japanese culture and traditions?
- Yes, I am interested in Japanese culture such as Japanese food and tea ceremony.

#人生が始まる英会話とシニア #オープンな英語 #英会話の教室で味わえない中学生の英会話 #英語講座 #株式会社zaldi #オンライン英会話 #中学生から英会話を教室必要ない #住所不明で英語 #身近になる 英語 #習熟する英語 #習熟は当たり前英語 #千葉英会話 #千葉県

